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Sichern Sie sich jetzt 30% Rabatt auf Ihre erste Bestellung mit dem Gutscheincode: WELCOME24


Neben dem Manuka honey kommt hier auch die Zistrose zum Einsatz.

According to medical tests and the opinion of experts, rockrose inhibits the growth of viruses and bacteria in the body and thus has an immune-boosting effect.

The polyphenols and flavinoids contained are responsible for this. In addition, flavinoids belong to the group of so-called "antioxidants". They are therefore able to fight free radicals in the organism.

The throat spray has been further perfected with propolis, manuka oil and vitamin C and zinc.

Recommended use: Spray 2 x 4 sprays (equivalent to 1ml) a day into the throat or as needed.
Shake before use.
Filling quantity: 30 ml in a high-quality Miron violet glass with spray head.

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